NAIT2290 has partnered with ExpressTruckTax to offer truckers a simple way to e-file HVUT Form 2290 with the IRS at the best value in the industry.

Express Guarantee
Form 2290 Filing from NAIT2290

Why Choose NAIT2290 for HVUT Filing?

2290 Schedule 1
Get 2290 Schedule 1 in Minutes
Guaranteed Schedule 1 or Money Back
Guaranteed Schedule 1 or Money Back
File in less than 2 minutes from any device
File in less than 2 minutes from any device
Automatic & Accurate HVUT Tax Calculation
Automatic & Accurate HVUT Tax Calculation
VIN Corrections
Free 2290 VIN Corrections
File 2290 Amendments
Stay updated with email, text, and fax alerts
Stay updated with email, text, and fax alerts
Access copy of Schedule 1 online whenever required
Access copy of Schedule 1 online whenever required
Claim Tax Credits using 8849 Schedule 6
Claim Tax Credits using 8849 Schedule 6

File your Form 2290 Now in minutes with NAIT2290

Get 2290 Schedule 1 in 3 Simple Steps



  • Register as a new user or login to your ExpressTruckTax account
  • Gather your Business & Truck information


  • Enter your business and truck information
  • Choose from 3 IRS payment options


  • Let the program review and check your Form info for errors
  • E-file Form 2290 to the IRS and get Schedule 1 in minutes

Get notified about your filing status Instantly

Get My 2290 Schedule 1 Now

NAIT Form 2290 Schedule 1

Keep your Business moving with these FREE Tools

HVUT Tax Calculator

Take the guesswork out of estimating your taxes with ExpressTruckTax’s Free HVUT Calculator. Quickly figure out your 2290 tax amount and know how much your HVUT will be.

Calculate My HVUT Tax Now

IFTA Tax Calculator

Make your IFTA reporting hassle-free with our free IFTA calculator. Calculate your IFTA taxes online. Simple, easy, and accurate. Trusted by drivers like you.

Calculate My IFTA Tax Now

WHY NAIT2290? is an online service provided by ExpressTruckTax, a division of Span Enterprises and an IRS authorized e-file provider.


IRS Form 2290 is used to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). The annual tax period starts on July 1st. If a heavy vehicle is used in any month for the first time in that tax year, then HVUT must be filed with the IRS by the end of the following month. can help you e-file Form 2290 with IRS.


Owners of 25 or more vehicles with registered gross weights of 55,000 pounds or more are required to do mandatory e-filing. Choose NAIT2290 for the simplest and most hassle-free e-filing.

Get your 2290 Schedule 1 Now